You’ve fought to be the best, now let us make sure your talent and effort are seen

NIL Representation Servces

  • Educate

    The NIL collective deals are non-public information. Schools, often times, try to tell athletes and families without agents that they are going out of their way to pay players - when in reality, they are offering significantly less than the market-standard. At Profound, we make sure our clients fully understand their value and the markets. This helps to ensure each player that partners with Profound get the best deal possible.

  • Negotiate

    By working with an agency that deals daily in the NIL space, our clients will always get at or above the market standard. Our skilled negotiators are adept at balancing the interests of all parties involved, ensuring that agreements are both fair and advantageous. We also have relationships across all major programs to ensure that our clients have multiple options and opportunities.

  • Review

    After negotiating a great deal, Profound uses our legal expertise to redline the contract, redact any language slanted in the University’s favor, and ensure that payment schedules are reasonable.